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Unless your kids move out of the house, your boss expects less, or you win the lottery, the demands on you are not going away anytime soon.  Do you find yourself angry, tired and frustrated?  Is your life feeling more like a struggle than an adventure?  If so, this session is for you.  We’ll discuss many of […]

Sometimes the only interaction your customers have with your company is over the phone. What impression are you giving them? Do you think they feel valued or like an inconvenience? This session covers not only what is said, but how it’s said.   We’ll talk about three key aspects of tone that can impact your […]

Customer service either makes or breaks a business. If you aren’t taking care of your customers, your competitors soon will be. This high-energy session helps participants improve their skills in dealing with customers (and people in general!).  If applicable, we’ll have an informative (and hilarious) discussion about the importance of body language when dealing with […]