Check Availability
Check Availability

I have a confession to make. I am a procrastinator. I can find a reason to do just about anything other than the tasks I dread. For example, I should be getting a mailing out right now, but I am writing this article. However, I recently completed a ton of tasks I had been putting […]

I am doing something today that is out of character for me. I am going to the movies in the middle of a weekday. (You have no idea how wild an idea this is for me – I mean, clearly I should be working. Or networking or something!) There is nothing even remotely productive about […]

I am convinced the media is playing a key role in making the economy worse. All of the radio, television, and newspaper articles impact you even if you think they don’t. I hear that spending is down, that companies are failing, that tens of thousands of people are losing their jobs. I worry about my […]

It’s not WHAT you know, it’s not even WHO you know, it’s the RELATIONSHIPS you have. Stop wasting your time playing at networking – this seminar is all about results. Ideas on opportunities for networking and what to do before, during and after will be covered. You’ll learn what tools you need and how to […]

Yikes!  You took a customer service job – now you have to sell!  Or you are a great accountant, lawyer, Indian Chief – you didn’t think you would have to sell to get clients!  Yikes!  Well, this session is for you!  It addresses issues such as what it takes to be good at sales, how […]