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We all have those days, days when we feel blue or stuck or otherwise not so good. Well, here are my best tips to feel better. If you are tired, get some sleep!!! Many times life is soooo much better when you’re rested. Focus on what you have to be grateful for. This helps me […]

Once a month, spoil yourself. Plan this immediately and put it down on your calendar. This can be as elaborate or as simple as you choose. The idea is to give yourself a break and savor life. Most of us are way too hard on ourselves. Plan three adventures you can have by the end […]

The Chocolate Spa at Hershey PA—I spent my last vacation there and I still have chocolate on the brain! Since I am eternally curious I had to learn more about chocolate and Milton Hershey and Forrest Mars. How little I knew about a treat I love so much! As with everything, chocolate has lessons for […]

Remember the old dark ages when we didn’t have Wii or cell phones or the Internet? When we actually had time when it was quiet? The horror, the horror! Now, apparently we have to talk to someone (anyone) during every waking moment. We must call someone the minute we get into our cars. We have […]

I love scary movies—especially those scenes where the people go into the dark and creepy house. We all know something REALLY bad is going to happen, but they go in anyway. What about you—is your house (or office) haunted? Just what do I mean by haunted? I mean filled with stacks of papers past. Crammed […]