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It’s often hard to tell if a speech or training session really had an impact for a company. In these economic times, return on investment is extremely important. So you can imagine how thrilled I was when Sprint (now Embarq) asked me to come back to talk to their people again. The Fayetteville call center […]

Ghandi said “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” And he was absolutely right. But how many of us really believe him? I find that most people are waiting for someone or something else to be the change they wish to see in the world. Let me give you some […]

If you’ve been paying attention to Hollywood and other random sources of information, we’ve only got about three more years to live. (The world is supposed to end in December 2012.) Well, well, well, let’s ponder that for a moment. Let’s say it’s true. Here’s the motivational dilemma. Do you throw caution to the wind, […]

I love fall – the colors of the leaves, the crispness in the air, the fall flavors of pumpkin and spice, and, of course, Halloween. As a kid, it was like dying and going to heaven. You wound up with more candy than you could believe and types you hadn’t even tried. It was, hands […]

Now I see no reason why chocolate can’t fall into the category of a religion. I use chocolate as a way to “give meaning to the practitioner’s experiences of life.” And there have indeed been times when I felt that chocolate was a higher power. In order to spread my chocolate religion, I need to […]