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As a new year begins or a major birthday approaches, people start thinking about their lives. They sometimes are disappointed by where they are and want to be somewhere else. The things they want are not easy to get – if they were, they would already have them. So how does one set about changing […]

Most of the articles I see that discuss motivation talk about sports. But us average Joes and Jills are not playing sports. We just have to get out of bed everyday, go to work, and try to live. We don’t have a coach working with us and a bunch of fans cheering us on. There […]

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of all the recession doom and gloom. There’s not a damn thing I can do about it and it is totally raining on my parade. Well, I’ve decided to take my parade elsewhere. In honor of Mardi Gras, I say – Let the Good Times Roll! Here’s […]

We spend 60% of our time at work, driving to work, and thinking about work. Life is too short to spend that much of it in pain. 1.) Do what you love or find some aspect of your current job that you love. Or quit complaining and find another job. You can do none of […]

Okay, okay I finally have to admit it—the economy is kind of crappy right now. And it’s scary. People are afraid they might lose their jobs, entrepreneurs are afraid they might lose their businesses, people are afraid they might lose their homes. So what to do? 1.) Tattoo the serenity prayer in a prominent place […]