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Out of the Frying Pan – Diagnosing, Preventing and Curing Burnout

Does work that used to make you sizzle with excitement now just leave you feeling fried?  Do you feel like you’re working harder than ever but not getting as much done? Do you fantasize about just taking a nap?

As we try to get more done with fewer people in less time for less money, burnout rates are higher than ever. People are losing their passion, pep, and productivity. Quiet quitting is a thing. But we’re putting an end to all that! In this session you’ll:

  • Learn to identify burnout in yourself and others
  • Gain tools to get you out of the frying pan and back on fire!
  • Understand the two personality types that are most at risk for burning out
  • Receive tips to help your employees (or volunteers) deal with burnout

After this session, the only thing fried at your house will be chicken.

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