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Warning – this article contains “triggers” like accountability and self-sufficiency that might upset some readers. The Millennials are coming!  The Millennials are coming! Us poor Gen Xers are about to be overwhelmed by another giant generation.  Just as we finally pry the reluctant-to-retire Boomers’ cold, dead hands from their mouses, the Millennials are clobbering us […]

Blame is everywhere these days.  I’ve seen articles blaming doctors for people’s addictions to pain medicines; blaming the food industry for the obesity epidemic; blaming Congress for everything. If that doesn’t cover you, you can blame genetics, your parents or an ex-lover.  We’ve all done it – I’ve blamed Krispy Kreme’s hot doughnuts light for […]

Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The world has changed radically in the last several years – has your company? Have you? This provocative think tank/workshop will get you thinking about game changers for your work and your life. Some of the topics covered: […]

In my time management workshop, I have a big section on e-mail. When I recommend not checking it constantly, people get e-motional. I’ve never seen so much resistance to anything. (I’m not talking about people whose job is to deal with e-mail. Certain customer service jobs pretty much revolve around responding to e-mail. I get […]

I don’t know where the time goes. It seems like I just got out an issue of this newsletter, but it’s been 6 months! So there was a hip replacement in there – that hardly counts as a reason not to execute. And yeah, I sold my home (myself) and moved, but life happens. I […]