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Communication Articles

Did you know that in less than 30 seconds people seeing you for the first time are making assumptions about things like your educational level, your trustworthiness, your potential for success, your social standing, and even your sense of humor? Yikes! Guess what the number one reason for rejecting a job applicant is? Personal appearance. […]

I’ve been to two huge trade shows recently so I have them on the brain. And what works on the trade show floor works in life, like it or not. 1.) You will be judged by your appearance. Cheesy, ugly booths did not attract the crowds that colorful well designed booths did. I’m not talking […]

I finally bought a Blackberry. The first few days I had it, I wanted to kill myself. I couldn’t figure out how to send a text—the icons were different. It was weird talking into a flat slab. At least my flip phone seemed like a phone—something that curves around your head. On the fifth day, […]

In 2005 nearly half a million e-mails landed in in-boxes each SECOND. Dealing with e-mail has added one to two hours of work to the average worker’s day. I get feedback from middle managers who don’t have time for their people because upper management is constantly bombarding them with e-mail requests. Sound familiar? If all […]

Remember the old dark ages when we didn’t have Wii or cell phones or the Internet? When we actually had time when it was quiet? The horror, the horror! Now, apparently we have to talk to someone (anyone) during every waking moment. We must call someone the minute we get into our cars. We have […]